terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2020


Um artigo de 2013 onde se especula sobre a influência do xadrez nas peças de Samuel Beckett, nomeadamente em "Endgame" ("Jogo do Fim", na tradução de Isabel Lopes para o Teatro da Rainha). A dado momento, a grande dúvida coloca-se nos seguintes termos:

"Endgame in particular is, as the title makes clear, infused with chess. "Me – to play," announces Hamm, the king on a battered throne, at the outset. In chess, the king is the key piece around which the game revolves, yet also the most restricted and impotent, able to move only a square at a time, just like Hamm, who is shuffled round the stage by Clov, the pawn who glimpses freedom. In chess, the feeble pawn, if it can progress to the eighth rank, becomes an all-conquering queen, the true monarch of the game. Who really holds power – Hamm or Clov?"

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